Tuesday 2 December 2014

Physical Health: Why Should I Take Care Of Me? ~ Written by Christopher Dryden

Back in the day Olivia Newton-John sang a song called ‘Let’s Get Physical’. It turned out to be among other things a great song to use at the gym whilst on the treadmill. Not that I would know from experience, because I wouldn’t be seen dead on a treadmill. Yet it’s that very reluctance to take my physical health seriously enough that made the weekend series on the issue so important.

It’s all well and good doing the church stuff. Go to church, sing the songs, give to the offering and that’s about it. Of course we have to look after the spiritual man with prayer and bible study. Often however we can – I can get things so high minded that I forget one crucial thing. That thing is that God created the physical as well as the spiritual. Indeed how we deal with the physical is often a better reflection of how we cope with the spiritual and Jesus Himself suggests if we can’t get it in the physical, we’ll struggle with the spiritual things (cf. John 3:12).

The weekend was an exploration in how we are responsible for the body God has given us. An often neglected or over-emphasised area of the three parts that make up the human experience – spiritual-emotional-spiritual – the training session put things in a perspective that left all attendants in no doubt that how we treat our bodies matters to God.

These considered three important aspects – Exercise, Nutrition and Rest. It was fascinated seeing the biblical perspective from the beginning on issues like the food we should eat; the importance of rest as an individual and collective exercise as well as considering carefully the benefits of implementing regular physical exercise to our lives.

This was no mere theoretical exercise of listening and reading – active participation was the order of the two days. These included the experiential elements of a ‘light’ physical work-out (light for some, others recognised that if this was light, they had a long way to go to make light). Participants also practiced therapeutic methods of massage both for the self and on someone else. Topping this off was a remarkably informative and engaging look at healthy eating with samples on hand that impressed those looking on. What stood out was just what you could do with the wide range of fruits, vegetables, pulses and other fresh and natural foods that can provide all the nutrition needed to make progress to a sustainable and energy-filled life.

All this delivered in a God-centred way for us to see the connection between the way God wants us to live and what He has provided to make that happen. It was enlightening to many in attendance especially when contrasted to a lot of the ways the world conditions people to go for cheap, quick and often unhealthy options.

With the opportunity as ever to listen, engage, reflect and map out ways to progress in the light of what we knew, the weekend was a thoroughly stimulating experience. Oenca delivered a superbly crafted weekend with the input of some special guest presenters and practitioners. The Purley Chase staff also accommodated everyone with splendid accommodation and suitable meals to compliment what was being delivered.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV)

It’s more than just getting physical – as Olivia Newton-John suggested. It’s about recognising that as the creation of God we are to glorify Him with the physical as well as the emotional and spiritual. The weekend certainly reinforced the importance of not leaving the temple in ruins, but ensuring it’s treated with appropriate rest, nutrition and exercise so God is glorified.

~ Written by Christopher Dryden ~